Wafris for Node Express

Installation and Configuration

The Wafris Node package creates a middleware function that communicates with a Redis instance that you can insert into your Express application’s middleware stack.



1. Connect on Wafris Hub

Go to https://wafris.org/hub to create a new account and follow the instructions to link your Redis instance.

Note: In Step 3, you’ll use this same Redis URL in your app configuration.

2. Add the middleware to your application

Use your preferred package manager to add node-wafris. For instance, using npm

npm install https://github.com/Wafris/node-wafris.git

3. Initialize the middleware

Using the node-wafris middleware is fairly straightforward. Simply invoke the library’s exported function with a configuration and use the returned middleware function in your Express application:

Note: We recommend storing the Redis URL as an environment variable or in a secret management system of your choosing rather than hard coding the string in the initializer.

import express from "express";
import wafrisMiddleware from "wafris";

const app = express();
const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL || "redis://localhost:6379";

const wafrisConfig = { redisUrl };
const wafris = await wafrisMiddleware(wafrisConfig);

app.use("/", wafris);