Rule Sets

Rule Sets are a collection of predefined rules that can be applied to your site to manage traffic and security. These sets are designed to address common security concerns and can be easily enabled or disabled as needed.

Predefined Rule Sets

We offer a range of predefined rule sets that cater to different security needs. These sets allow you to block:

  • Block SEO Site Tools: Many SEO services will scrape your site on behalf of competitors.
  • Vulnerability Scanning Bots: These bots are used to scan your site for vulnerabilities.
  • Common Framework Admin Pages: Requests to common framework admin pages (ex: wp-admin, admin, dashboard etc.)

Custom Rule Sets

In addition to our predefined rule sets, you can also create custom rule sets tailored to your specific security needs. This allows you to combine rules from different categories to create a unique security profile for your site.

How to Use Rule Sets

  1. Navigate to the Rule Sets section in your dashboard.
  2. Browse through the available predefined rule sets and select the one that best suits your security needs.
  3. Click the “Apply” button to apply the selected rule set to your site.
  4. If you need more customization, you can create a custom rule set by selecting individual rules from different categories.

Best Practices

  • Regularly review and update your rule sets to ensure they are aligned with the latest security threats.
  • Combine rule sets with other security features, such as Block IPs, Block CIDR Ranges, and Block Countries, to create a robust security strategy.
  • Test your rule sets regularly to ensure they are not blocking legitimate traffic.